This is a great time of year for a craft brewery insurance review–and making any updates necessary to protect your equipment, your workers, and your business as a whole. Read More…
How to Stay Safe in Confined Spaces
Confined spaces pose a significant danger if not approached with care. In 2009, a welder who entered a fermentation tank to seal a crack set himself on fire when he lit his blowtorch in the space, which was oversaturated with oxygen. In 2011, a fermentation tank exploded at a Vermont brewery. (Of course, confined spaces are a risk for reasons other than air quality. In 2010 alone, close to 30 people died in grain entrapment incidents in the United States.) Read More…
Is Your Brewery Ready for the End of Daylight Saving Time?
Beall Brewery Insurance reports that studies have shown sufficient sleep can sharpen the memory, improve physical stamina, reduce stress levels, and spark creativity.
Prevent Employee Theft
During this Crime Prevention Month, Beall Brewery Insurance would like to remind craft brewery owners and operators to take steps to protect their businesses from employee theft. Read More…
Do Your Workers Know Your Brewery Emergency Response Plan?
Business owners already know the importance of having an emergency action plan to help them respond quickly in the event of a natural disaster, work-related injury, or other incident. But Beall Brewery Insurance would like to suggest that brewery owners and operators also have in place a brewery Emergency Response Plan that offers workers a framework to help them respond swiftly and successfully to an emergency. Read More…
Brew Beer, Don’t Waste Water: Reducing Water Used in Brewing
Beer is 95% water, but the amount of water needed in the brewing process adds up to much more than that. According to the Brewers Association, brewers need about seven barrels of water to make one gallon of beer.
Of course, not all that water goes into the actual brewing. But the brewing process is responsible for 25% of a typical brewery’s water usage. Read More…
Digital Solutions—and Challenges—for Your Brewery
When the going gets tough, the tough… pivot. And that’s exactly what craft breweries across the country have been doing. The pandemic has prevented thousands of them from conducting business the way that they, and their customer base, are accustomed to: on-premise. Read More…
Total (Craft Beer) Recall
Beall Brewery Insurance reports that beer spoilage and contamination are among the top three craft brewery losses based on severity, according to data from The Hanover Insurance Group. That being the case, it is vital for a brewery to develop a recall plan in the event that contaminated beer gets out on the market. Read More…
Manage Brewery Machinery Hazards
Did you know that incidents involving machinery or tools rank in the three most frequent craft brewery workers’ compensation losses? Read More…
Brewery New Year’s Checklist Amid the Pandemic
With 2020 at last in our rear-view, brewers can look ahead to a brand new year. While we hope for a return to normalcy, we also know that many lessons learned during the pandemic will remain important for months to come. Read More…