Archive by Author

Flood Prevention for the Craft Brewery

While flood can—and does—happen in any region of the United States, this winter the risk is particularly great, not only due to the snowfall and thaw that many areas of the country experience, but also due to the El Niño weather pattern that promises to dump heavy rainfall on California. Beall Brewery Insurance would like to remind craft breweries that flood prevention and preparation tactics have never been more important, and that the time to implement them is now. Read More…

Prepare Your Brewery for an OSHA Inspection

Although “OSHA inspection” may be a phrase to strike terror into the heart of a business owner, Beall Brewery Insurance points out that, for breweries following best production and safety practices, an OSHA inspection is nothing to fear. Read More…

Does Your Brewery Warehouse Waste Water?

Warehousing is important to every craft brewery. Where do you store your craft beer? How do you store it—and for how long?

It’s also an important area to consider for craft breweries striving to reduce water usage and waste water. Cellars are responsible for 17%–nearly a fifth—of a craft brewery’s water usage. Read More…

Water Waste Reduction in Your Craft Brewery’s Packaging Practices

According to the Brewers Association, for every barrel of beer your craft brewery brews, you use an average of seven barrels of water, Beall Brewery Insurance reports. Given drought conditions experienced in many different regions of the country, and resulting legislation such as California’s new water restriction laws, it behooves craft brewers to develop policies and procedures to help manage water use.

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Beer Festival 101: Festival Volunteers

Volunteers make a beer festival go—and they are likely to be a resource you will want to employ for your beer festival.

But staffing your festival with volunteers isn’t as easy as placing a clipboard in your tasting room and collecting names. Here Beall Brewery Insurance spotlights some of the issues you will need to consider for enlisting and utilizing festival volunteers.

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Beer Festival 101: Sustainability

With Earth Day coming up, sustainability will be at the forefront of the public conversation—so it’s a great time to note that you can make your beer festival a “green” event.

There’s a lot of reasons why you would want to put energy into doing so. Read More…

Beer Festival 101: Preventing Liquor Liability Claims

Liquor liability is a risk exposure that every brewery faces. And it’s one of the most severe losses that can hit a craft brewery.

So if you are planning—or participating in—a beer festival, consider carefully how to limit liquor liability exposure for your organization. Read More…