Protect Your Brewery Workers in Confined Spaces

It’s not news that brewery workers face risk when working in confined spaces—but this horrifying story out of California may be news to you. Last year, a worker lowered into a 50-foot drainage shaft fell to his death.


The general contractor and the subcontractor on the job did not follow permit-required procedures for working in confined spaces.

While this shocking incident did not take place in a craft brewery, Beall Brewery Insurance wants to take the opportunity to remind brewery workers that confined spaces pose a significant health and safety risk. No matter how busy the work day or how quick the task, permit-required confined space procedures are a must.

Fortunately, those procedures are not complicated to establish or follow.

Step 1: Employers must develop written policies and procedures to help workers stay safe.

Step 2: Employers must train workers to follow those policies and procedures.

Work Procedures for Confined Spaces

Here are some points to consider as you establish (or review) your brewery’s confined space policies and procedures.

  • Do you have a written confined space plan, including recognizing and marking all confined spaces on site?
  • Have you developed procedures to test and monitor the air inside confined spaces before and during all employee entries?
  • Have you developed procedures to prevent unauthorized entries and to ensure there is an attendant outside the space at all times?
  • Do you train your workers and supervisors on safe work procedures, hazard controls, and rescue procedures?

Working in a brewery is risky business—but with your whole team pulling together, it isn’t too difficult to help keep each other safe.

For more than 25 years, Beall Financial and Insurance Services, Inc., has been helping corporations and individuals protect their most important assets. The agency’s client base covers a spectrum of niche businesses, such as craft breweries, that require specialized insurance packages and knowledge. With California offices in Redlands and Newport Beach, Beall Financial and Insurance Services serves clients nationwide.
